Take Part
You have been asked if you would like to take part in the BASIS study because your doctor thinks either type of back brace used in the study will be suitable for you. Please read the information below to help you decide whether or not you would like to take part.

If you decide you would like to take part in the BASIS study, you and your parents will be asked to sign a form to show you are happy to take part.
Your doctor will then let you know which type of brace you will be given – this will either be a brace to wear for most of the day (a full-time brace) or a brace to wear only at night-time (a night-time brace). This will be chosen through a process called randomisation which is a fair process where patients are as likely to be assigned to full-time bracing as night-time bracing. This produces groups that are as equivalent as possible to enable a fair comparison.
We will email you some questionnaires to complete, which we will send to you every six months whilst you are in the study. You will also have some spine x-rays which will be the same as if you had brace treatment but were not in the study.
Patient Information
Please follow the links below for more information about what will happen if you decide to take part: